Solar Hot Water Heaters in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, West Palm Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, and the Surrounding Areas

As different green technologies gain acceptance and in-roads in a variety of different settings, one option that has been around for a while is gaining popularity again in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, West Palm Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, as well as the surrounding areas. This old tech that is seeing a resurgence is solar hot water heaters and with all of the sunshine that we receive year-round it makes sense that more and more people are looking at this for their home. Kasper Electrical can help to provide you with details about the options for adding a solar hot water heater to your property, as well as sizing it for the size of the household. Contact us for these details and have one of our technicians come out to evaluate your property for the best possible location.

Why Use an Old Technology

Many people think that solar hot water heaters are old technology, and while this is true the units that are available today are more efficient than the older models. Like most things over time, solar hot water heaters have gotten better and are less expensive than they used to be while also being safer. In many cases our professionally installed solar hot water heaters can save homeowners at least 50% of their water heating costs, and often it is even higher. This means that the installation will not take long to pay for itself in savings.

Because we are in a climate where sunshine is abundant, the systems that we offer are able to be smaller in size than other locations further north that need larger systems to generate the same amount of heating. Just like solar panels, adding a solar hot water heater to your home can also increase the value of your property, usually between 3% and 4%.

Where To Install Your Solar Hot Water Heater

Your solar hot water heater will need to be able to receive as much of the sun’s light as possible throughout the day. Often this will be on the roof of your home but could also be on another building on your property. Your solar hot water heater will last about the same length of time as a traditional water heater, but with the added benefit that you will be using much less electricity to move your hot water around and heat it.

Just like adding electrical solar panels to your home, having a solar hot water heater allows you to take advantage of the abundant natural resource that we have here in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, West Palm Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, and the surrounding areas in the form of the sun. You can help yourself with lower energy costs while also enjoying hot water for all of your needs by making the call to Kasper Electrical today.

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